Welcome To our Resturent!

restaurant almost always means an eating establishment with table service, so the “sit down” qualification is not usually necessary. Fast food and takeaway (take-out) outlets with counter service are not normally referred to as restaurants. Outside North America, the terms fast casual dining restaurants, family style, and casual dining are not used and distinctions among different kinds of restaurants are often not the same. In France, for example, some restaurants are called “bistros” to indicate a level of casualness or trendiness, though some “bistros” are quite formal in the kind of food they serve and clientele they attract. Others are called “brasseries”, a term which indicates hours of service. “Brasseries” may serve food round the clock, whereas “restaurants” usually only serve at set intervals during the day. In Sweden, restaurants of many kinds are called “restauranger”, but restaurants attached to bars or cafes are sometimes called “kök”, literally “kitchens”, and sometimes a bar-restaurant combination is called a “krog”, in English a “tavern

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